This feature is specific to the Form Designer template.

Administrators can add another user to a progress report to either delegate or collaborate at any time.

Important Notes:
- The original awardee will always have access to the progress report and will receive any reminders scheduled for the future.
- A progress report must first be assigned before a delegate can be added.
- Only one delegate can be added at a time. If multiple people need to help submit a progress report, the current delegate can be removed and a new one can be added.
- Administrators can choose if the delegate is allowed to submit the report, or only save as draft.
- If you prefer the awardee be able to delegate their own progress reports, see this article: Allow Awardee to Delegate Progress Report to Another User

Steps to Add a User as a Delegate

1. From the Data Grid, click the title of the awarded application.

Admin view of Data Grid with application title outlined in red

2. Click Progress Reports on the righthand side.

Administrator view of Progress Reports button outlined in red

3. Scroll down to the administrator view of the progress reports and click the name of the progress report you want to add a user to.

  • The progress report must be assigned in order for you to see it in this view. If you haven't assigned the report yet, follow these instructions and then return to this step.
  • Each report shows on a different tab, so make sure you pick the correct one.

Administrator view of Progress Report tab outlined in red

4. Click Add User.

Administrator view of clicking Add User button

5. Add the user.

  • A: Being typing the user's email address. If they're an existing user, you'll pick them from the dropdown. If they're a new user, simply type in their correct email address.
  • B: Decide if you are allowing the delgate to submit the progress report (default) or only save as draft (uncheck the box).
  • C: Click Add User.

Add User modal

If you receive an error message about the user, it may be because they do not use an email domain allowed on your site. Reach out to your Super or Global Admin to check, or submit a Support ticket to InfoReady.

6. A green message will confirm the delegate has been added properly.

Administrator view of delegate added


  • As soon as the delegate is added, they receive a message similar to the one below.
  • If you would like to customize this message for all delegates, you can edit the appropriate email template.

Example email to progress report delegate

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.