When viewing your review assignments in the Reviews tab, you may wonder what the different review statuses mean. Here is a brief overview of the statuses you can sort by in the Status column:
Pending - The default sort option that collectively shows any review you have not yet completed. It includes all of the individual review statuses below:
- Draft - The assigned review has not been completed and the review deadline has not passed.
- Overdue - The assigned review has not been completed and the review deadline has passed. Note: You are still able to complete overdue reviews in the system.
- Committee - You have specifically been assigned to distribute materials to a committee from InfoReady, as well as submit the overall decision for each application. Learn more.
Submitted – The review has been submitted and edits cannot be made, but you can see and/or print out the application or review. If you need to make a change to your review, contact the administrator(s) listed on the Details page.
All - Any review assigned to you, past or present
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