Release 3.63 of the InfoReady platform was deployed in the early morning hours of Friday, September 27, 2024.  

Features and Enhancements 

New Default Template 

Form Designer template is now the “go-to” for most administrators when creating new opportunities. Any admin who does not already have a default template type saved on the Create page will now see the Form Designer template selected as the default. This update will save admins 2 clicks! 

General template update: If you utlized the General template in the past, you will notice it no longer appears as an InfoReady default template from the Create page. For more information, see the "Coming soon" section at the bottom of last month's 3.62 Release Notes.

Routing Step Deadlines

This release introduces two new ways to configure the default review deadlines for reviewers in the Routing Steps setup.  

Offset Review Deadlines

  • The offset date option helps administrators who manage opportunities with rolling or ongoing routing, review, and approval steps by providing more flexibility in how review deadlines are determined.
  • Administrators may now configure any routing step to have an “offset” review deadline from the date the review assignment is made. 
  • The deadline can be set “x” number of days, weeks, or months from the review assignment date, rather than assigning a specific fixed date. 
  • The new deadline option eliminates the need to set a date far in the future for rolling/ongoing deadlines. 
  • To reiterate, this configuration option is available for all routing steps across all templates. 


Specific Deadlines

  • In addition to offset deadlines, the other new deadline option allows administrators to set a specific date as the default review deadline for a routing step and every review assigned to that step.
  • Previously, this option was only available when automatically assigning reviewers. Now, if administrators know the review deadline when they build their routing step, they can enter it, which will pre-populate the review assignment later when they assign reviews. This small change saves time and reduces errors when managing the review process. 

Learn more about the review deadline updates on the InfoReady Support Portal

New Data Grid Filter Options  

The Data Grid now allows administrators to filter dropdown, multiple choice, checkbox, true/false, rating, and single-choice matrix fields based on applicant or reviewer responses to these question types, which replaces the previous method of filtering by “Rated” or “Not Rated”. This feature is particularly helpful when evaluating reviewers’ responses to Form Designer Routing Step responses. 

Progress Report Delegate Notifications 

In our last release (3.62), we gave administrators and awardees the power to delegate progress reports to other users. In this release, we’ve expanded on the notifications progress report delegates receive. Any currently assigned delegate will be automatically copied on any progress report reminders, submission confirmations, and deadline update messages sent to the awardee. We added these communications to help increase timely progress report completion. Learn more.

New Notifications Preference 

While InfoReady’s Message center provides administrators access to many of the messages sent out to users, some admins have requested that a copy of each message sent from the platform be delivered to an inbox used by their organization. For any site, clients may specify an email address to which InfoReady will send a copy of all notifications sent to users by the platform. This feature requires configuration by InfoReady. Please submit a support ticket if interested in adding this option to your site. 

Other Enhancements 

All releases address a variety of bugs, performance improvements, and accessibility enhancements to maximize your InfoReady experience. The InfoReady Support Team will reach out directly to any clients who may have encountered any issues resolved with this release. 

Product Questions, Comments, or Feedback?  

We’d love to hear from you! Contact your account manager or submit a ticket to the support team. From sales to support to product development, our team discusses your feedback regularly as we shape new features and enhancements.