The Form Designer Routing Step (only available within the Form Designer template) brings the same form-building experience found on the Requirements and Progress Reports pages to the routing process. 

1. From the Step Type dropdown, select Form Designer.

Administrator view of selecting Form Designer

2. Scroll down to begin configuring the review form. Some key areas are highlighted below.

A. Expand the screen to view the full toolbar on the left side of the page for easier configuration.

B. Review Instructions - A default Paragraph field prompts you to add instructions for your Reviewers.

C. Acknowledgment Statement - A default Paragraph field prompts you to add an acknowledgment for your Reviewers, if needed. Add text or delete if not needed.

D. Acknowledgment Statement Field Label - This is the actual True/False question reviewers would acknowledge. Re-name or delete if not needed.

Admin view of build my own form page

Admin view of default acknowledgment statement

3. Customize the review form by adding additional questions, sections, and even pages, if needed. 

Some common question types used in review forms include:

  • Rating Scale - For scoring, rubrics, and rankings
  • Text Area - For comment boxes or longer narrative responses
  • True/False - For any "Yes/No" comparision (e.g, Approve/Do Not Approve, Recommend/Don't Recommend)

Check to see if conditional logic could help simplify the review form.

  • If only certain questions need to be filled out, based on other questions the reivewers will be able to answer, use conditional logic to only show the relevent questions to the reviewer.
  • For example, if they give the application a score below a 4 out of 10, require them to add comments for their reasoning.

4. Select the relevant check box(es) listed at the end of the form. They are the same seen in other routing steps.    

E. Show all fields marked "Hide from Reviewers" for this step. - When fields are hidden from reviewers, by default, they are hidden for ALL routing steps. If you would like to show the hidden information to reviewers in this specific step, check the box.

F. Provide reviewers with read-only access to all applications. - Allows reviewers to be assigned to a subset of applications but see the content of all applications assigned to the step.

G. Pass completed review from this Routing Step to reviewers in the next Routing Step. - Allows reviewers in later steps to see reviews completed at this step from their review screen in InfoReady.

H. Runs Concurrently With Following Step - Links this step to the one after it so they can be open for reviewers at the same time.

I. Routing Step Recap - When the final reviewer assigned to the step completes a review, a PDF packet of all completed reviews is sent to all reviewers assigned to that step. The Recap is sent per application and can include reviewer names and/or previous revies (the final two checkboxes in the list).

Notes and Tips:
- Once a review has been submitted, fields can't be deleted but can still be added.
- If a file upload is requested as part of this Routing Step, it can be passed on to later reviewers but will not show in the basic PDF packet. Learn more.
- Similarly, if a file upload is requested, admins can include that in the packet using the batch actions menu. Learn more.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.