Administrators can download their current view of the Data Grid at any time by clicking Download Grid in the action bar. Utilize this feature to extract a custom report of information you select or show using other Data Grid options:
- A - Columns: Select application, review, and/or progress report data.
- B - Grid View: Save time by selecting a previosly saved view and then downloading. Learn more.
- C - Global search: Search across any data to narrow results.
- D - Show entries: Default is 25, but can switch to All to display all applications (or reviews or progress reports).
- E - Column search/sort/filter: Search within a column, click the up and down arrows to sort A-Z or numerically, or click a dropdown field to filter.
Use any combination of A-E above to show certain data, and then click Download Grid.
- If you need to pull the same data regularly, save it as a view first (B) and then download it as needed.
- Explore extracting from different tabs of the Data Grid. The Review and Post Award are especially helpful.
Example Excel Report
An Excel report will download to your computer. Open it to view the specific data.
- F - All columns are ready for additional filtering (if needed).
- G - If Primary Organization is one of the columns you chose, you will see each level of the organization list.
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