If you would like to send email announcements to users based on information like college, school, or department, InfoReady has a custom feature that allows you to send based on filtered user profile fields. That profile information can come from:

  • Existing data captured as users enter it ("by hand") or...
  • Data that comes in through a feed from your IT staff (e.g., Dynamic Profiles Plus)

Here's how it works:

1. Choose the opportunity.

  • In the Share section of an opportunity, any administrator with access to that opportunity will be able to send messages based on:
  • Email Addresses - This is the standard existing functionality. Administrators can list recipient email addresses, separated by commas.
  • Filtered Users - Administrators can select one or more profile fields to create their list (explained in detail below).

2. Select filters

  • A - Choose if recipients must match All filters (default) or Any filters.
  • B - In the blue Profile Field dropdown, select a field.
  • C - In the orange dropdown, select Equals or Contains.
  • D - In the green Value dropdown, select one or more entries. Checkmarks will appear next to those you select, and a count will display in the dropdown.
  • E - If necessary, click Add Filter to include additional filtered users in the recipient list.Admin view of composing share announcement

3. Preview Recipient List

  • F - Once all filters are set, click Preview Recipient List.
  • An Excel file will download to your computer. Review if for accurarcy before proceeding to the next step.
  • If any errors are found, edit and/or delete the existing filters and preview the list again.

4. Compose and Send the Message

  • Once you've confirmed the recipient list, you should review the message directly below.
  • Make any tweaks you'd like, and then click Send at the bottom of the email message box.
  • Depending on the size of the recipient list, you may say a message on screen that says "Please wait while we process your request."
  • Once the email is sent, a green alert messages will show directly above fildterd users that says "Announcement shared successfully."Admin view of successfully shared announcement

5. Track the Message (optional)

  • In additional to the downloaded recipient list during the preview, a record will appear in the Messages tab of the administrator that sent the announcement, in the Sent Messages section.
  • The entry will show details about the message, the email text itself, and a link to download the same recipient list from the preview.Admin view of shared message detail

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.