Feature Basics

  • To set up Dynamic Profiles+, we work with your IT team to set up a regular data feed to populate user profile data automatically.
  • This feature then allows that data from a user's profile to autofill specific fields on an application form, routing step, or progress report. 
  • It is available when an administrator uses the Form Designer Template.
  • Because profile information is provided via a data feed, applicants and administrators cannot edit the information on the user's profile.
  • If the data is incorrect or blank, the applicant will need to contact the opportunity's administrator, who will need to connect with the institution's IT team to update the file sent to InfoReady.

User Profiles

Each user's profile has the following fields:

  • First Name - If using SSO, this field likely already populates in profile
  • Last Name - If using SSO, this field likely already populates in profile
  • * ID - Unique alphanumeric ID (e.g., student ID, employee ID)
  • Email Address - Primary email address. If using SSO, this field likely already populates in profile.
  • Email Alias - List of any other email address(es) associated with the user
  • Phone Number
  • Title - Professional or academic title
  • * Campus - If multiple campuses exist
  • * School - Academic school or college within the institution
  • * Department
  • * Degree
  • * Major
- *Fields listed in green can be contextualized (i.e., renamed) to suit your needs.
- During DP+ implementation, you can choose which fields are imported via a data feed.
- Those fields will populate on each user's profile automatically and cannot be edited.

Form Creation 

1. Add a Text Field (or click on an existing one).

2. Open the Settings panel.

Admin view of adding a text field and then opening settings panel

3. In the "Populate with profile field" dropdown, choose a specific field from the list. 

Admin view of picking a profile field

4. Once a field is selected from the list, the Field label and Instructions areas will fill in with default text. Modify as needed to clarify for your applicants. 

5. Click anywhere to the left of the panel to return to creating the form.

Admin view of Email Address label with instructions

Applicant Experience

When the data exists in a user's profile, the user will see that data populated within the relevant field(s) on the form:

Applicant view of entering information on form

Note: If administrators need to submit an application by proxy for a user, any required dynamic profile fields will need to be filled out in the user profile first. They cannot be filled out by the administrator when submitting.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.