This template offers a variety of additional InfoReady-specific form fields (i.e., question types). Listed below is a brief description of each with example uses.
Click on a heading for a more in-depth look at the feature in action.
For overall information on creating questions, see this article: Form Designer Template: Adding & Editing Questions
Note: Your license level or site set up may not allow all of the options listed below. For information on adding any features to your site, contact your Account Manager or submit a support ticket.
Admin Icon | Applicant View |
Field Name | |
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Add Contacts for Notifications
| - Administrators can allow applicants to add email addresses that will be copied on email notifications from InfoReady.
- These include messages like the initial confirmation that the submission was received, as well as final decisions (i.e., award or reject notifications).
- Examples: Colleague, personal email address, assistant
- Note: This field does not give application access to the copied users.
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Applicant-Driven Routing Steps
| - Automatically route the application to one or more individuals upon submission.
- Applicants identify the approver(s).
- Examples: Advisor, mentor, department chair
- Note: This form field not available in Progress Reports.
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Application Keywords
| - Applicants can search from existing keyword list to tag their application
- Examples: MeSH, discipline-based, strategic plan topics

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Co-Applicants | - Collect standardized fields for additional contributors to the application
- Choose from default fields (name, email, affiliation, etc.) or re-label to customize
- Examples: Co-PIs, collaborators, team members
- Note: This form field not available in the Progress Reports tab.
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Reference Letters
| - Applicants identify one or more letter writers on the application.
- Each letter writer received a direct, unique link to upload their letter.
- Letters are attached to the application and can be blinded from applicants.
- Examples: Recommendations, letters of support
- Note: This form field not available in the Progress Reports tab.
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User Lookup
| - Applicants can search from existing user list to populate name and email address
- If Directory Look Up is enabled, search for any user in your organization
- Examples: Advisor, supervisor, mentor
InfoReady Tools are listed above.
View information about the Standard Fields here.
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.