The fields below refer to the legacy Funding template. For more information on Form Designer Template fields, see: Form Designer Template: List of Form Fields (Question Types)

Question Types for Requirements (Step 2 in creating) and Build My Own Form Routing Step (Step 3 in creating)

The screen shots below show how the question would look to the applicant (Requirements) or reviewer (Routing Step).

Date – Choose a date from a calendar

Date (Calendar) field. A calendar shows February 2019, with Friday, the 15th selected.

Multiple Choice Questions – Select a single answer (*Note: Once any application is submitted, this question type cannot be edited. - updated April 2019)

Example multiple choice question. Dropdown field labeled "Select" has options: A. First choice, B. Second choice, C. Third choice, D. Fourth Choice.

Number Field – Can only enter numbers. Commas will automatically be inserted to reflect dollar amounts, so this field is best utilized for monetary questions.

Number Field with 1,234 as example typed in.

Text Box – Can enter long form replies and edit format. Admins can add character or word limits that are enforced by the system.

Text box example. A large box shows with editing options above (bold, italic, bullet points, etc.). At the bottom on the box, words and characters are being counted.

Text Field – Plain text entry with a 255 character limit

Text field example (255 character max)

Yes/No – Select either yes or no 

Yes/No Question. Dropdown field labeled select has two options: Yes, No.

Multiple Select Questions – Can select any answers that apply, and admin can set min and max amount of choices (*Note: Once any application is submitted, this question type cannot be edited.)

Applicant View

Multiple select example. Text reads: "Select 1 to 5 choices." Then, the choices are listed below, with a check box next to each: A. Option 1, B. Option 2, C. Option 3, D. Option 4, E. Option 5

Reviewer View - Reviewers must hold down Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) to select more than one option.

  • Keep choices short so reviewers can see the entire response (recommend 30 characters or less)
  • Notes to Applicant are not visible for this question type.

Reviewer view of multiple select question. Numeric choices are listed in box with #2 selected.

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