If you want to automatically assign specific reviewers to a routing step based on the applicant’s department, you can do so with Department Driven Routing Steps (DDRS). The feature maps designated reviewers to different levels in the organization (e.g. Department Chairs).

To set up DDRS

  • Participating Organization Hierarchy must be enabled, and you must have created a hierarchy list of your organization.
  • InfoReady will do the initial upload, and you can edit anytime at the Admin tab, Configure Platform.
  • Contact support@inforeadycorp.com and ask us about enabling Department Driven Routing Steps for your organization.
  • We will send you instructions for providing us with a list of approvers (reviewers) by organization level (e.g., Department Chairs, Deans, Provost). We'll need:
  • Once we have received your list, we will set up the feature for you and let you know when it is ready.


  • This feature is available for our Platinum and Gold Levels of Service, or can be purchased separately.
  • The feature allows you to only associate 1 person per entry in the Participating Organization Hierarchy, meaning that we cannot accommodate a situation where a department has co-chairs or scenario where you would want to add the dean and an associate dean, both at the college level. 
  • DDRS is set up for the whole site. The system does not accommodate parallel lists of department or college level representatives. An example of this would be the Office of Research wanting department chairs listed, while a different unit wants a different department representative (e.g., an accountant) listed.


To use DDRS

When creating the opportunity:

  • Add Primary Organization as a required field on the Requirements page.
  • On the Routing Steps page, use the dropdown menu for Reviewer Role to select which type of reviewer should be assigned from the department. (e.g. Department Chair, College Dean, Provost)
  • Set the review deadline.
  • The review will be immediately assigned when the application is accepted.
  • You will choose how many days to give the reviewer to complete the review after is it assigned.

The feature in action:

  • Applicants submit their applications.
  • Applications are accepted into the review process by an administrator.
    • Administrators can choose to disable the Accept/Return option on the Routing Steps set up page, which will result in applications automatically being assigned to the appropriate reviewer upon submission.
  • When the application reaches a routing step where DDRS has been activated, the application will be automatically assigned to the appropriate reviewer based on the applicant’s department and Reviewer Role selected for the routing step.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.