The Post Award tab of the Data Grid displays information about awarded applications and progress reports.
Note: The screen shot below was taken after customizing columns and switching to expanded screen mode.
A - Overview charts and graphs. Click statuses to sort the table or the progress report title to return to edit mode for that progress report.
B - Use the Batch Actions menu to add a note/file, assign progress reports, or download application packets as PDFs in batches.
C - Click application title to view the contents of a specific application.
D - Click applicant's name to view their profile.
E - Click progress report title to view the progress report page for that specific awardee.
F - Progress Report Statuses
- Not Yet Scheduled - Progress report assignment has not been scheduled
- Assignment Scheduled - Assignment has been scheduled but is in future (not yet sent)
- Not Started - Progress report has been assigned but not started by Awardee
- In Progress - Progress report has data entered but not yet complete (saved as draft)
- Due Soon - In progress, but due date is less than a month away. Hovering displays how many days until due date.
- Overdue - Due date has passed
- Submitted - Progress report has been submitted
- Skipped - Specific progress report was skipped by an administrator
G - Progress report deadline
H - Last Report Reminder Sent: Displays date last reminder was sent.
I - Next Report Reminder: Displays date next reminder will be sent.
J - Download Grid as Excel
K - Download full competition Excel reports
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