Introductory information is organized below by user type. Click the blue heading titles for more in-depth instructions, screen shots, and examples.


Setting Up the Step

  • The Return for Revisions Step can be placed anywhere within a review or approval process, including after Applicant-Driven routing steps
  • It also works with Department-Driven routing steps.
  • You can include this step type more than once.
  • You must enter an expected Deadline for Revisions for applicants to resubmit, but can allow reviewers to modify the deadline.
  • Pre-populated reviewer instructions explain the basics but can be modified.
  • Optional configurations include passing feedback from the return step to later steps and/or notifying the reviewer when the applicant submits revisions.
  • Admins can also customize the default email templates for the return for revisions reviewer and applicant.

Assigning and Managing the Step

  • Only one reviewer can be assigned per application to this step type.
  • That reviewer can be assigned to one application at a time, or to multiple (in batches).
  • If a reviewer does NOT return the application for edits, it proceeds directly to the next routing step (if any).
  • If a reviewer returns the application for edits:
    • The applcant receives the email notification to alert them and the applucations status is Returned for Revisions.
    • Administrators will also see a Returned for Revisions status on the Data Grid for any application that is sent back to an applicant.
    • The application will NOT proceed to any later routing steps until it is resubmitted.


  • Once assigned and open, the review appears like any other on a user's Reviews tab, i.e., listed with "Draft" status.
  • When an application reaches the step, the individual assigned to the step can determine if the application should be sent back to the applicant or not.
  • If the reviewer decides to return the application, the reviewer enters details about what changes need to be made directly in a text box.
  • The deadline for revisions is either locked by the administrator, or is up to the reviewer to determine. (Note: The applicant will still technically be able to submit revisions after this date, so late revisions are allowed in the platform.)
  • If the admininstrator selected it in the step set up, the reviewer will receive an email when the application is re-submitted and see the updated application.


  • The applicant receives this information via an email notification. 
  • This email message will be sent from the administrator who manages the opportunity.
  • In their Applications tab, the status will be Returned for Revisions, and they can access the draft application to re-submit with the requested changes.
  • Once resubmitted, the application continues on to the next routing step in the process, if any.

Important Notes
- In the overall process, if an application is returned for revisions and then re-submitted, the application does not go back to the reviewer on the initial Return for Revisions step to review the changes that were made. 
- The application proceeds to the next routing step (if there is one). 
- If the original Return for Revisions reviewer needs to provide feedback on the revised changes, two (or more) Return for Revisions steps should be used, with the same reviewer being assigned each time.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.