Within each routing step in the Routing Steps section, Administrators have the option of sending reviewers a Routing Step Recap. This recap captures how all reviewers in that given step reviewed an application.
It is sent after all reviews have been submitted for that step for each application. The recap is delivered via email with a PDF attachment that includes the application contents, followed by each completed review form. It is sent per application, so if a reviewer is assigned to multiple applications, they will receive a separate recap via email for each application they've reviewed.
Tip: If Administrators want to receive the recap as well, they can assign themselves as reviewers, complete their reviews, and then after all reviews are in and the recap has been sent, Admins can delete their review assignments.
To access the Routing Step Recap box, while in Edit mode, follow these steps.
- Step 1: Click on the Routing Steps button on the right.
- Step 2: Click on the Routing Step title to expand the step.
- Step 3: Scroll down to the Routing Step Recap box, which is directly above the Reviewer Acknowledgment box.
The chart below outlines what to expect when Routing Step Recap boxes are checked or unchecked. The default is unchecked. Routing Step Options boxes are also unchecked by default.
Upon routing step completion, email all completed reviews to all reviewers assigned to this step. | |
Checked |
Unchecked |
Each viewer may see the identities of the other reviewers. | |
Checked |
Unchecked |
If there are previous routing steps, include those reviews as well. | |
Checked |
Unchecked |
Notes: - If Comments to the Administrator were submitted with any reviews, those will be included in the Routing Step Recap PDF. - If reviews are edited by administrators after Recap has already been sent, a new Recap will not be sent. - If a review assignment is deleted and re-completed, a new Recap will be sent. - If a reviewer is added to a step and then completes the review, a new Recap will be sent to all reviewers assigned to that step for that application.
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