The two most common reasons reviewers can't see assigned reviews when they log in to InfoReady are described in detail below.
1. Email Alias Used for Assignment
This situation occurs when the reviewer logs in with an account (email address) different from the account (email address) the administrator assigned reviews to. Essentially, multiple accounts are being used for/by the reviewer, which usually occurs when an institution allows users to have multiple email aliases (e.g., a standard email address and a medical school email address). The institution's IT team determines what email address is sent to InfoReady when a user logs in with Single Sign-On (SSO).
The solution is to first ensure that only a single account is being used. Administrators should search for multiple accounts in the Manage Users section of the Admin tab. Search by name or email to see if there could be multiple accounts for the reviewer.
If SSO is enabled on a site, administrators should be assigning reviews to the email addresses associated with SSO (since that is how users from your institution log in). To verify which email address is associated with SSO, the user should log in with their institutional credentials and click their name in the upper right corner. The email address listed on their user profile is the one that should be used for review assignments.
Once the correct email address is determined, the administrator should either:
- Delete current review assignments (by batch or through an individual application) and then re-assign using the correct email address...
- Or send both email addresses in a support ticket, and we can merge the accounts, which will automatically re-assign the reviews.
2. Prior Review(s) Not Complete
Another reason the reviewer may not be able to see reviews assignments is that they are not open for them yet.
- Before a request can go out for a Step 2 (or later) review, all of the Step 1 reviews for the application must be complete.
- Check to see if any prior reviews are incomplete by going to the Data Grid, clicking the title of the application (or one of the applications) the reviewer is supposed have access to, and then the Reviewers button on the right.
- If any routing steps or reviews prior are incomplete, the review is not open yet and will not be shown to the reviewer when they log in.
- If any prior steps are not assigned and not needed, check the "Skip routing step for this application" box to bypass that step and open the next step.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.