After selecting a template, the first step in creating is filling out the Details page. This is the public posting of the opportunity. It should include any information you want potential applicants to know before applying. Below is a brief description of each field on this page with links to related articles.


Title - The name of the opportunity (e.g., competition, award, scholarship, form, etc.)

Category - Determined by the site's Super and/or Global administrators (Video instructions here)

Cycle - Determined by the site's Super and/or Global administrators (Video instructions here)

Participating Organization(s) - If participating organization hierarchy is enabled, you can select which one(s) are associated with the opportunity. You can also restrict the application to only members of the organization(s) listed.

Organizer - If microsites are enabled, select the appropriate site here.

Number of Applications allowed per Applicant - Choose an exact number or allow unlimited. Show or hide the info from applicants.

Number of Possible Awardees - Choose an exact number or allow unlimited. Show or hide the info from applicants.

Dates and Deadlines - Internal Submission Deadline is the only one required.

Apply Button Label - Customize the text that applicants will see to match the opportunity: Nominate, Submit Form, Begin Application, etc.

Description - Use the text editor to enter any pertinent information about the opportunity.

Funding Organization - Funding template only

Additional Fields - Add date or text fields to highlight specific criteria (e.g., eligibility) or times (e.g., award decisions sent).

Guidelines or Other Support Documentation - Upload informational documents and any templates necessary for the application here. 

Co-Administrators - Add another administrator to help manage (e.g., assign reviewers, send award notices, etc.).

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.