Only one user account can be directly associated with the submitted application (i.e., the application data will only be tied to one user and appear on their profile). However, if multiple users need to be associated with the submission, there are a few ways to approach the creation process:

  • Requirements: Collect the other applicant information on the application form, either with specific questions in the main section or by enabling the Co-Applicants section. 
  • Collaborative submission: If another user needs access to the draft of the submission, they can be granted access to use the proxy functionality by the primary applicant. In practice, the primary applicant would start the draft, save it, and then the other applicant would access the draft as a proxy, enter their information in the form, and then can either save or submit.
  • Routing Steps: Have other applicants sign off on the submission using Applicant-Driven Routing Steps or a custom routing step as part of the review process.

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