Administrators often want to know what they can't edit after launching. Below is a list of options that can't be edited and also some options we don't recommend being edited.
Some of these are on our list of future platform updates, while others are in place to prevent bigger potential issues. We want Administrators to be aware of current functionality to avoid encountering unexpected issues when creating their opportunities.
Click any blue hyperlinked text for more information.
Note: Although you can't "un-launch" an opportunity, if you accidentally launch, you can take it down from your public homepage temporarily by editing the Remove from Homepage Date to the past. Learn more.
Overall Configuration
- Can't edit owners, which must be changed by InfoReady. Simply submit a ticket with the opportunity link(s) and who the new owner should be.
- Can't edit the content of the Review Requests Digest Email (except for opportunity-specific instructions)
- Can't edit Phase 1 of a Letter of Intent after it has been converted to Phase 2
- Can't edit a standard (non-Letter of Intent) to be a Letter of Intent
Opportunity Set Up
- Can't decrease maximum number of applications after launching
- Can't remove Letter of Intent Deadline after it's added
- Can't edit options for Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Checkboxes questions after an application has been submitted.
- Can't edit the number of pre-approvers, labels, or instructions under Applicant-Driven Routing Steps after applications have been submitted.
Routing Steps
- Can't edit rating scales after reviews have been assigned (even to a test application)
- Can't delete Form Designer Routing Step or Build my Own Form fields after a review has been submitted on that routing step, even if the reviews or application are later deleted
- Can't edit options for Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Multiple Select questions after an application has been submitted to Build my own Form routing step
- Don't check the Routing Step(s) are not needed box if you will ever need routing steps. This will delete any existing routing steps!
- Don't change the routing step type, especially after reviews have been submitted. This will delete any reviews that have already been submitted.
- Can't add mail merge fields that aren't available to a particular email template
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.