Default InfoReady Templates
Depending on your license, you may have access to one or more of the templates below from the template selection screen:
- Form Designer - Most flexible form builder that allows multiple pages, more question types, and an advanced preview before launching
- Funding - Default fields are included for simple funding opportunities like limited submissions or internal grants.
- Bulletin Board - Details page only that can point to external link (i.e., no application, review or progress reports workflow)
If you're not sure exactly what functionality you'll need, we recommend starting with the Form Designer template.
Three Approaches to Creating
- With the first two approaches, the first time you create you will select a default InfoReady template.
- Over time, you can then select from your saved templates, share templates with others, or copy as needed to expedite the creation process.
1. Reusable Template - Create a standard structure for a process that you will reuse to create similar processes in the future.
Examples could include:
- "Main" template that should be the starting point for all opportunities in the site
- "Pivot push" template that will be selected when opportunities are found in Pivot and launched in InfoReady
- "Awards" template used for all opportunities of that type
2. Specific Opportunity - Create a specific grant, award, form, workflow, etc. You can then copy past opportunities to make new ones in the future.
Examples could include:
- ABC Student Scholarship - 2022
- Seed Grant XYZ - Fall Cycle
- Sabbatical Approval 2022-2023
3. Start with One Someone Else Created - One beneficial aspect of using InfoReady is that you don't necessarily need to "start from scratch" or "recreate the wheel". There are features in InfoReady that allow you to skip the process of creating your own opportunity or template.
Examples could include:
- Asking another administrator to share their template with you. The admin could be at your institution or even at another institution that uses InfoReady.
- Copying a past opportunity launched by a different admin at your institution. The option to copy is only available if ownership if a past opportunity has been transferred to you, you've been made a co-admin, or you are a super admin or global admin.
Note: Some templates listed are part only of the Gold and Platinum Levels of Service.
If you are interested in additional templates that do not currently appear in your site, contact your account manager or submit a support ticket.
The chart below may help you determine which template is appropriate to use, based on needed functionality for other parts of your process.
Template Name | Advanced Funding Module | Pivot integration | #apps per applicant | Progress Reports | Primary Org | LOI |
Form Designer | Yes | Yes | any | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Funding | Yes | Yes | any | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Letter of Intent | Yes | Yes | any | n/a | Yes | n/a |
Bulletin | No | Yes | n/a | n/a | Yes | n/a |
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.