As you use the Form Designer Template (FDT for short), you will notice there is a sleekness to the design. This is certainly the case within the Progress Reports section where an administrator can easily build custom forms that collect the exact information they need. Although the function of Progress Reports in the FDT is practically identical in legacy InfoReady templates, there are significant differences in the design and set-up, as well as added features.

To learn more about Progress Reports in the Form Designer Template, please see Progress Reports Guide.

Blank Canvas

  • For those who have previously created Progress Reports in legacy (i.e., Funding and General) InfoReady templates, you may recall the Progress Reports section comes pre-populated with certain sections and questions.
  • These areas can be edited or deleted as needed. There is also a box you can check to disable Progress Reports. 
  • In contrast, the Progress Reports page for FDT will not include pre-populated reports or sections. 
  • The images below capture the screen display when you first click the Progress Reports button for legacy vs. FDT.

Legacy Templates 

Form Designer Template

Admin view of Progress Reports page in FDT

Pages and Sections

  • Legacy templates have only one page and three default sections: Funding, Project, and Publications.
  • Using FDT, administrators can replicate those as separate pages or sections.
  • Additional pages or sections can be used to make the form clearer for awardees.
    • Instead of clicking the Add a Section button, there is a special Section form field option.
  • To mirror the legacy Publications section, administrators can set up repeated fields and use conditional logic to designate the number of corresponding publication fields an awardee can complete (if they have multiple publications).

Legacy Templates

Form Designer Template

Add a New section

Section name outlined in red

Toolbar with icons for each question type

Adding Fields (Questions)

Legacy Templates

Form Designer Template

Admin view adding a field
Admin view selecting a field
Admin view of form fields list

InfoReady Tools (FDT Only)

The Progress Reports section in the Form Designer Template has the same list of Form Field options you also see in the Requirements section of this template.

However, the Additional Requirements section only includes the User Lookup field. 

(It does not include the following, since they are not used in Progress Reports: Application Keywords, Co-Applicants, Reference LettersPrimary Organization, and Applicant-Driven Routing Steps.)

File Uploads

Legacy Templates

  • There is a pre-populated section at the bottom of the page called "File Uploads". 
  • If you want to include uploads with the report, you click "Yes" to the question: "Do you want to include file upload(s) with this report?" 
  • Then select how you want awardees to upload, and give the upload a label and instructions.
  • For more information: File Uploads in Progress Reports

legacy progress report files

Form Designer Template

fdt prs files