Key Points

  • You can migrate launched and archived competitions.
  • Details, Routing Steps, and Notifications pages will transfer in their entirety.
  • Fields from the Requirements page (i.e., application form) will not transfer. 
  • Progress report amounts and titles will transfer to get you started. 
  • You will be able to download a detailed Excel report with data from the Requirements and Progress Reports pages, including field names, instructions, and any additional settings (e.g., minimum and maximum responses, character limits). 

Steps to Transfer

  • Open any competition made with the Funding or General template.
  • Click the Copy button on the right side of the page.
  • Click the Form Designer button to migrate your competition.

Admin view of modal

  • Depending on how complicated your competition is, it may take a few moments to transfer all items.
  • When the draft has been created, you'll see the message below on the screen.
  • Click Download Report to access the Excel report of all fields.

Admin view of Upgrade Complete modal

Interpreting the Report


  • Requirements - Application form fields
  • Progress Reports - Each progress report will have a separate tab.


  • Section Name (progress reports only) - Grouped questions in a specific area, which in FDT is Sections
  • Field Name - Question label, which in FDT is Field label
  • Type - Base question type (see chart below)
  • Required? - Yes or blank (not required), which in FDT is denoted by a red asterisk
  • Notes or Instructions - There are many ways to add instructional text in FDT: Adding Instructions. Some fields will also have notes about how the question was used in the legacy template.
  • Choices - For multiple response questions, all choices are listed with semi-colons in between

Field Type Chart

  • Some features and question types from your legacy competition may have identical names in FDT (e.g., File Upload, Primary Organization).
  • The chart below focuses on field types you may see in the export that could be re-built in a variety of ways using FDT.
  • Click any of the linked text to explore and compare field types.
Legacy question type listed on the reportFDT field(s) to explore/use instead
File UploadFile Upload
Specifying File Extensions
DateDate (Field Type)
Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice
Single-Choice Matrix
Multiple SelectCheckboxes
Text FieldText Field
Dynamic Profile
Rich Text AreaRich Text Field
Text Area

Validation (Set Character Limit)
NumberNumber (Field Type)
Yes/NoTrue/False (Yes/No)
(Build it yourself)Acknowledgment Statement
Primary Organization
Reference Letters
Applicant-Driven Routing Steps
Application Keywords
InfoReady Tools

Tips for Rebuilding Forms in FDT

  • Paragraph fields are the easiest way to add longer blocks of instructional text.
  • For file uploads, you can specifiy file extensions to require a certain format, like .pdf.
  • Additional features that appeared at the bottom of the legacy Requirements page are all grouped together as InfoReady Tools.
  • Legacy forms always included an "Add Other Email Addresses for Notifications" feature by default. In FDT, administators can choose to add this to the form or not: Form Designer Template: Add Contacts for Notifications.
  • Because Applicant-Driven routing steps exist on both the Requirements and Routing Steps pages, they will not transfer and will need to be reconfigured in the new draft.
  • If you need a blinded review process, make sure to hide fields appropriately.