Are you working on setting up your first opportunity? Before you launch, look over the questions below to make sure you've covered the basics. However, even if you can't answer some, no worries! InfoReady allows you to go back and make edits, even after launching. There are relatively few things that can't be changed: What can't be edited after launching?
Selecting a Template
If you are copying from a past opportunity, you may have bypassed this step. But if you start "from scratch", it's important to pick the correct template.
Configuring Each Page
- Does your opportunity need a Letter of Intent? (two-phase process)
- Have you allowed the correct number of applications per applicant?
- Have you chosen the correct number of potential awardees?
- Do you need to add a Co-Administrator?
- Did you use the Application Title field appropriately?
- Are your field labels the shortest version of the question that still conveys its meaning?
- Did you use the correct question types? The ones below are commonly mismatched:
- Supporting Documents vs. File Uploads
- Text Field (one line) vs. Text Area (multiple lines) vs. Rich Text Field (multiple lines w/formatting options)
- Checkboxes (select multiple) vs. Multiple Choice (select one radio button) vs. Dropdown (select one from a dropdown list) vs. True/False (select Yes or No)
- Have you tailored questions to match funding organization requirements?
- Are instructions to applicant clear and complete?
- Do you want digital signatures from applicants?
- Have you previewed the application form as an applicant would?
Routing Steps
- Have you chosen the correct step type for each? The most common are:
- Approve/Do Not Approve Routing Step - Simple approvals or signatures
- Comments and Ratings Routing Step - Most straightforward rubrics
- Form Designer Routing Step - Custom review form
- Comparison: Comments & Ratings vs. Form Designer Routing Step
- Have you added instructions to reviewers for each routing step?
- Are your rating scales correct? - If you used the Comments and Ratings Combination step
- What options do you want reviewers to see?
- Are routing steps supposed to run concurrently?
- Do you want digital signatures from reviewers?
- Have you edited e-mail notification templates?These are the most common to edit:
- Your Application Received - Sent to each applicant upon submission
- Review Request - Especially if using Applicant-Driven Routing Steps
- Multiple Review Request - For sending reviews in batches
- Award Application - For the final "yes" of the process
Progress Reporting
- Will you need progress reports? You can add these later, but it's a good idea to start thinking about them to be able to collect follow-up information from awardees all in the same process.
- Would it help to save your opportunity as a template? This would allow you to share your configuration with other administrators at your institution, or even colleagues elsewhere that use InfoReady!
Previewing and Testing
For more complicated processes, we recommend launching and going through a full test application process.
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