Are you working on setting up your first opportunity? Before you launch, look over the questions below to make sure you've covered the basics.

However, even if you can't answer some, no worries! InfoReady allows you to go back and make edits, even after launching. There are relatively few things that can't be changed: What can't be edited after launching?

Selecting a Template

If you are copying from a past opportunity, you may have bypassed this step. But if you start "from scratch", it's important to pick the correct template.

Configuring Each Page



Routing Steps


  • Have you edited e-mail notification templates?These are the most common to edit:
    • Your Application Received - Sent to each applicant upon submission
    • Review Request - Especially if using Applicant-Driven Routing Steps
    • Multiple Review Request - For sending reviews in batches
    • Award Application - For the final "yes" of the process

Progress Reporting

  • Will you need progress reports? You can add these later, but it's a good idea to start thinking about them to be able to collect follow-up information from awardees all in the same process.


Previewing and Testing

For more complicated processes, we recommend launching and going through a full test application process.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.